It's been 3 months without "Lost". Some people were frustrated, some were waiting patiently, some forgot the show's existence. It's too early to say whether this long break was as good an idea as it first seemed. What's pretty safe to say is that those who are really into the show's spirit and pace will not be disappointed by the returning episode.
Juliet, the seemingly cold and determined Other, gets her first flashback where we learn that she is not who we think she is. There are several new things we learn in this episode, and several new questions arise (as always) :
The Others are not above using aggressive brainwashing technics. What we don't know is for what purpose and why poor Karl?
Alex is Ben's daughter. Adopted daughter of course, because we know she is Danielle's daughter and Danielle was pregnant when she arrived on the island. Alex probably ignores Danielle's very existence. It is mysterious though that she would turn out to be so rebellious considering she was raised by the leader himself.
Finally, we learn why Juliet wants Ben dead, or we can begin to suspect why. She was manipulated into joining the Others' jolly team of scientists and has been a prisoner on the island for three years, forced to abandon her life and her pregnant sister. We also see that she is not above murder to accomplish her escape from the island, removing that annoying Picket from the picture.
In the end, the status changes once again. Kate and Sawyer find their way back to the home island, and Karl joins the castaways. Let's hope the brainwashing didn't erase some valuable info he could have about the Others. Jack remains a prisoner and we can't be sure what Ben's reaction will be to his ploy that freed Kate and Sawyer.
We will learn soon enough. Lost is on every week until the season finale. Finally!