For fans of the
Dragonlance books, this isn't the optimal turn of events. Nevertheless, the announcement that the first book of the series,
"Dragons Of Autumn Twilight" becomes an animation movie is certainly exciting. I, too, would wish these books were turned into normal movies. The success of Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy has shown that it can be done. The Dragonlance series is, with a slight exaggeration, almost as popular and so, the audience is guaranteed. We can hope for the future.
The animation can turn out to be really good of course. Considering that we have the perfect casting of
Kiefer Sutherland as the voice of Raistlin Majere, a character that deserves his popularity, things are pretty positive for the start. As the film will be released next year, a lot should change but we'll be here waiting. Meanwhile, you can read the books; they're a lot of fun.
blah-blah-blah-nlah-blah CRAP!, blah-blah-blah-blah-CATTLE POOH!!blah-blah-blah-nlah-blah BULL CRAP!, blah-blah-blah-blah.....
But no hard feelings elf-stoned OK? you're my pale..and I got a little present for ya. Click on my name and you'll find the chick of your dreamz
OOPS!click here http://lizvicious.ourfreegalleries.com/gallery024ri/?nats=MTI4OTozOjEx,0,0,0,
Thanx for the link, she's hot!
But if you don't like my posts, you don't need to comment. If you got more links to post, try diabolaki, he makes sure I get them :)
I like this blog! Hey Cleetus you're crossing the line a bit. That guy isn't posting bullshit, he is into cool epic stuff. It's the ideal place for insomnia-suffering individuals.Just read a post and that's it!....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
PS: I enjoyed Lizvicious as well,NOT!!! (you fucking vanilla addicts!!!!)
How old are you e-enema?
Old enough to avoid crapping my pants when some anonymous suck'o'rama like you posts questions regarding my age. Such implications are poor and unsuccessful. I love to express myself freely. It is not a matter of imaturity it is simply a matter of fooling around. If the owner of this blog considers my attitude as unacceptable or/and takes me and my posts seriously, then he may tell me so and I shall retire to my pornographic deliquencies
If you don't like my posts, then you're just wasting your time here, aren't you? I don't know how you would think I'd find insults as "acceptable" or "funny". There's no porn here, only boring epic stuff. Stop wasting your time and mine.
I think the Dark Elf series done live action would be good.
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