Saturday, January 26, 2008


Robert Harris is the author of several successful novels, two of which ("Fatherland" and "Enigma") are available in movie versions as well. "Imperium" is his second novel that is set in ancient Rome. It follows Marcus Cicero in his efforts toward the consulship. The story is told by Cicero's secretary, Tiro who was indeed Cicero's biographer. Harris has thoroughly researched his topic - much of the novel's events are based on actual historical facts.
While "Imperium" is not a novel centered around glorious battles and the like, I never found myself getting bored. Harris writes in a very engaging manner and has a gift in presenting casual details in an interesting way. If I can find a flaw, it's that the book has a lot of secondary characters that would be a waste of time to develop of course, but you do find yourself wondering who's who from time to time. Tiro in his narration does try his best to keep the reader informed. In the end, there is a sense of completeness, as you really get to know an important historical figure like Marcus Cicero.
I hear that this is the first book in a trilogy about Cicero that I'm sure will be just as interesting!


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