There are always bands that receive much more respect and recognition than actual sales, and this is very common in progressive circles. I would say that Germany's
Sieges Even is a perfect example of this phenomenon. They started off as a very complex thrash metal band influenced by Watchtower, but by their second album it became obvious they are anything but ordinary. In 1991, "A Sense Of Change" combined an ethereal, lyrical style with the technical prowess of prog rock but the time was a bit too early for the audience. After a few more albums where the band tried to be more accessible and the resulting disappearance, Sieges Even were back two years ago with a new vocalist and an absolute masterpiece, called "The Art Of Navigating By The Stars". In this album, they worked from a new perspective and improved the already high level of "A Sense Of Change".
So, it is a very difficult job for the successor! "Paramount" doesn't stray far, it is clearly a heavier album, and Rush is a much more obvious influence. Everything we love about Sieges Even is present, the warm vocals, the lyricism, the discrete yet admirable technicality. The more prominent guitars will certainly please a lot of people, but as I said, it is difficult to repeat the perfection that was "The Art Of Navigating By The Stars". In any case, "Paramount" is still an album that you will proudly include in your collection.